Friday, June 8, 2012

Before work

Just a quick post before work. I am sitting her sipping my teeccino/coffee blend. Today is like a Monday for me because I haven't worked since Monday. I needed a little extra pick me up with the coffee. Anyhow, yesterday I got myself to the gym even though I was feeling quite tired. I needed a little umph to make it through the rest of my day. I was on the elliptical for about 40 mins and then convinced myself to do squats! I did very little weight because I was tired but I still did it! That is what I have to tell myself sometimes. Something is better than nothing! :-D

Today I work at Classic Findz until four and then I agreed to cover someones shift at Breakout at 5:30. If I have the energy I'm gonna try and squeeze in a short run after work.

Wish me luck!!


  1. Good luck Hope!

    How did the elliptical feel? How's your knee feeling?

    1. the elliptical felt good and my knee is doing great! I do have occasional weird 'aches' but I really am thinking that the squats are making a difference. I took some pictures of Chuze yesterday so I will be posting in a new post :)

  2. Squats help my knee as well.
