Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Baby weight lifting

Inspired by my dear sister Ann, I've started to see my lunch time breastfeeding my baby as an opportunity to be active.

One - holding and manuvering my long heavy 5 month old has given me killer forearms and has improved my agility.

Two - who says it has to be all fun and games? Well maybe it does. After feeding my little bug, I lifted him above my head for 3 sets of 10 reps. I have never had a more giggly happy 17lbs in my hands!

Three - stretching my opposite shoulder from the side I'm breastfeeding. My massage therapist recommended this and I struggle to remember to do it. Maybe if I see my whole time breastfeeding I'll remember to do this.

I've continued to stretch at night especially my shoulders. The nightly routine helps but some evenings are so hard to do even a one minute stretch when I feel exhausted.

Ok. Here are some pics from lunch. Sadly no one was there to take a pic of me lifting the little bug. But cutes babies and spoons are fun. :)


  1. love it! he looks so cute gnawing away at that spoon. and keep up the stretches and baby lifts -- little things make such a difference.

    Oh and I miss you and Tian both. Sigh -- too short a time.

  2. oooooooo!!! I LOVE that baby sooo cute! and hurray for using Tian time for some active time for mommy!! I love this post! and I agree with Ann. I miss you both terribly.
