Thursday, July 12, 2012

Recovery week

Our poor blog has been feeling a little neglected! And Tian is not ok with that! He is giving me the stinky face! I do believe it might be about my turn anyhow to post!

The title of my post is "Recovery Week" simply because I need one!! Well that and in some ways I see this week as a recovery week. While Ann was here we did Yoga, Dance, and the gym! (While that was all fun I am enjoying having a little more personal space and time, despite working more). Having someone to go workout with really does add to the chances that I'll go! Also, bringing Ann to Breakout and Chuze was loads of fun because she brought a fresh perspective to the places and got me to try things I hadn't!

I'd like to highlight some of my favorite parts of Ann's visit in regards to being active!

Pop Choreo is one. I really loved the class we went to (and really wish the gal teaching wasn't a sub because I loved her). Its wonderful to be able to dance even when you really don't have the technique or background.

Chuze circuit- There is this curves-like circuit at Chuze that I have been "meaning to try" since I joined but being a creature of habit I had not stepped foot into that area. Well with Ann here I did it twice! I rather like it and it was fun too because I had someone with me to talk to and stay motivated with! I might even go today and do the circuit :)

YOGA- this has to be in caps. I <3 yoga. I really cannot express enough how much I love yoga oasis and what a centralizing hub (does that make sense?) it has been for me. When I really can no longer find any sort of comfort in Christianity and its beliefs I have found myself turning to yoga as something of a 'religious' experience.

Mind Lab - this i just starting going to, and although it isn't technically "exercise" meditation is definitely a mental exercise. I started doing mind lab around a month ago and all the times I had gone it was a sub, but very timely the one time Ann was here and went it was the actual teacher (see below a picture of the uni-browed man). I am glad too, because he was by far much better than the subs!

I could say so much more but as the line goes "More isn't always better. Sometimes it's just more."


  1. I luv tians facial expression. :)
    Yes and yes to ur post. I agree meditation is exercise. I've been trying to make it a part of my life and slow the monkey mind.
    I do need to go to yoga oasis when i visit az. Or it needs to move to portland!

    1. Yoga Oasis needs to be everywhere always but don't worry one day you will try it out!!!

  2. yes we all need our oasis!

    Hope, we did go a bit crazy didn't we? I crashed last week and it took me until Saturday to do anything active. And until today to do yoga again. But ah the glory of so much activity. Thanks for taking me along and exploring new exercise routinues with me!

    1. hey! just now saw this post! You're welcome~ It was fun!! :-)
