Friday, September 21, 2012


I have decided to try and make some us of my working over night and write a short blog post.

As I have already told both of you (I believe), I saw an orthopedic surgeon and he seems to think that as long as a roll out my IT band I will be ok for running. So right after I saw him I went to the gym and did a run walk with a couple stops to foam roll.

I did that again today and it felt great! I ended up running a total for 20 mins and walking 15. I can tell that my cardio has gone down because I only did a 10 min mile for a short bit and got pretty out of breath.

But it feels good! I'm excited at the prospects of being able to get back in to running and not feeling uncomfortable while I do it. For startes though I am going to try and take it easy. Continue with my run/walks and thorough stretching/foam rolling.

We will see...maybe we can all run the disney half marathon next year!! :-D

1 comment:

  1. love you Hope. I know you had some setbacks recently but keep it up. I posted a marathon schedule on my refrigerator yesterday. something is percolating . . .
