Sunday, October 28, 2012


One of those days.

1. Sleep in until 8:30am. Make bed and open window.
2. Heat up waffles in oven and then top with greek yoghurt and blackberries.
3. Sip tea with lime while reading about culturally appropriate everything (therapy, IQ tests, etc).
4. Repeat with a pizza from trader joes in between.
5. Add some ice cream and CBT while doing laundry.
6. Run alongside the waterfront and race a train.
7. Light a scented candle, play music, and dangle legs from my bar stool.

That's my kind of perfection. And finally: repeat as often as possible.

Love to you both!


  1. CBT = cognitive behavioral therapy. it's one way us therapist can mess with people's heads. Brahahahaha!

  2. Creamy butter and toast! :)
    I love ur day. I say repeat weekly, at least! I had a massage today and am starting to go monthly. It is loviliness.

  3. hahaha cbt :P coffe, butter, toast?

  4. hehe. how about: Can't Take a Break?
