Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Beautiful Arizona Morning

This morning I woke up extra early. After breakfast I was enchanted with the soft cool breeze outside and decided to take a walk. This walk turned into an errand walk.

I live about a mile away from Sprouts Market (formerly Sunflower Market) and have been wanting to walk there for groceries for quite awhile. So, I grabbed my back pack and strutted out the door!

The walk was cheery and cool. I got to Sprouts in a little under 20 mins, did my shopping in less than ten (got myself some gluten free Celestial Seasonings tea)and was back home within about 50 mins!I was impressed. Here I was going to first go out for a walk and then hop in my car and drive to the market-all of that would have probably taken about the same amount of time!

I really love this idea of incorporating every day stuff and exercise. So often I find it difficult with time constraints or the weather or being too tired or you have too many groceries to get...but I have decided I will try. And I am going to see if I can convince Eugene to join me ;)

After coming home I could tell my hip felt pretty tight (a did a short run yesterday) so I pulled out my "Yoga for Everybody" cd and followed her "Mobility" session. Ahhh...a much needed stretch.

I think the only thing that could make this morning better is if I had the entire rest of the day off! But I suppose I'll have to make do with enjoying the rest of the morning with my tasty pot o' tea :-)


  1. Lovely. U r inspiring. I enjoy ur rhythm to the morning. Moving but intentionally. I find i have two speeds so often- frantic or disengaged. I like the idea of relaxed intentional movement.

  2. what a lovely and satisfying walk! cheers to gluten free tea too and learning to do errands in a way that is enjoyable. I have a farmers market on sundays that I want to stroll to someday soon -- all in the same spirit. love you sister.

  3. Joy- I know what you mean...I recently saw a counselor and she gave me an exercise to do in the middle of the busyness of the day...I still have yet to really remember to do exactly what she suggested (take a couple slow conscious breaths when reaching for a pen)...but I have been trying to be more conscious about being in the moment :-)

    Ann-ooo farmers market! When I come visit we will have to walk there!
