Monday, January 13, 2014

New Movement

My dear sisters! I wanted to share a little about my recent 'fitness' 'exercise' experience. As you both know, the past few years have been a struggle/challenge due to back/hip pain, and most recently, getting sick a lot. Well, I have to say that, over the past month things really have been looking up. I'm elated that I can run a couple miles and not be in pain/stiff for a week after. (Thank you Joy for encouraging me to go to a chiropractor). I'm excited to be able to move again without pain (most of the time!).

In light of my increased ability to move, I've had new movement Epiphanies! These epiphanies are related to listening skills and then applying said listening skills to body movement. Its amazing to me how I can think I hear someone/understand what they are saying but then realize that I'm not because I'm SO focused on what I think is going on and what I think is the answer. Example; Joy was helping me with some math questions for a job application while I was in Portland, and I remember one question in particular she was trying to explain something to me. I was so determined that she didn't get that I understood/knew it already that I didn't really listen to what she said. Ok well, eventually I did ;)

I've had this experience multiple times since, but there are two distinct instances that I wanted to share. One instance happened while Ann was here in Tucson. We took a basic yoga class and the instructor helped me with cobra. Cobra has always been a little confusing/challenging for me anyhow but I thought I had figured it out. But when the instructor helped adjust me, there was this little moment of 'aha this is how its supposed to feel,' followed by 'ahh shit, this means I have to start from square one.' Which I'm doing and it means my cobra does not look as impressive as I was thinking it was ;) (hopefully as cute as the little doggy though!) but the movement feels different-like something is starting to click and fall into place in my body.

The other experience I had was a few days ago at the gym with Eugene. I finally got around to doing dead lift again and Eugene was refreshing my memory on form. He watches me do my first set and then proceeds to tell me what he saw and explain the movement. He tells me 'move your knees back first.' Wuh?

So, if you look at the image below, 1. is the starting position, and in order to get to 2. I was using all back strength to get there. This created an awkward movement because my knees would get in the way.

Instead, you're supposed to straighten your knees (or move them back) to get to fig 2. This is something he told me maaaaaany times before when training me, but for whatever reason I just didn't get that the movement starts with your knees moving 'back' and the rest of your body holds still.

After Eugene instructed me again, and was finally able to get through my pre-conceived this-is-what-deadlift-movement-is, I did another set and what a difference! All of the sudden the movement felt SO much more natural and not awkward like before. (No worries if my explanation is confusing about the dead lift movement :P).

Sometimes its the little things, and the little adjustments that make all the difference. Like learning that cobra is about upper back and relaxing the low back/glutes and that deadlift is about a small movement of the knees going back first. Of course, this can extend to every day life such as; taking a shower first thing when I wake up so I feel like I'm actually starting my day, instead of staying in jammies and feeling unmotivated. Here's to small but powerful changes!


  1. Thanks for sharing. I love hearing your stories. I want to take a fundamental yoga class now and learn more how to move my body. In therapy today I focused on my body's expression of emotion. It was fascinating. It seems to learn and grow we need to be aware of your bodies and be very present. I'm considering Tai Chi, a slow meditative movement.

  2. Tai Chi is cool! I've only done a teeeny bit of it! Its also challenging! Let me know what you find!

  3. Hope, how inspiring! I too love discovering new bits about moving my body. Often in yoga class I just get frustrated at how much a I can't do (or how imperfect my poses are) but then there are moments when I realize I notice my body more and can actually feel my legs throughout the day. Yeah and when i discovered about the "don't squeeze your butt" piece, I had to re-start in cobra too.
    Joy - Tai Chi is lovely. I took a couple classes and the gentle and graceful flow might be just up your allay. I'm also happy that therapy is benefitting you!
    Love to you both.

  4. I'm glad this is inspiring! I'm really enjoying weight lifting and I highly recommend it for you both! I know you'd love it!
    I know the feeling 'I notice my body more and can actually feel my legs" more spatially aware of my body :-)

    Love you both!
