Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Smith Machine

I managed to do squats again at my gym on the smith machine. This second time around I piled on some more weight (total of 75lbs). I am thinking it was a bit too much because I had a hard time with form, surprisingly, today I am sore, but not as sore as I imagined I'd been when the two days later hit.

I feel lucky to have some personal training via Eugene about squats. He has read up a lot about heavy lifting (and does it two to three times a week) so he has been showing me at home the proper form. His excitement for the exercise has me a little pumped up too. I've never been one for strength training- it always seemed tedious. No matter how much I would try to convince myself that it would tone my legs or that as a woman its very important, I just haven't gotten into it. But since the rise of Sr. Sore Knee and Lady Cantankerous hip, I have become very aware of the importance of strength training. I am hoping to do this in order to get back into running!

And speaking of running...I ran before doing squats! I did the treadmill. About 20 mins in I had to stop and stretch and I did that a few times and I am still only running about 5.5 (around 11 min miles). I was able to speed up to 6.0 and even faster for a tiny bit - but I had to keep consciously telling myself "Hope, be careful - even though you're not running as fast as you would like to, at least YOU'RE RUNNING!" That is likely to be my mantra as I cautiously try to step back into the world of running.


  1. yes you are running! I admire how you've kept at it even when it's been discouraging with your knee. and how wonderful to have Eugene there to give you pointers on the squats.

    I have had to pull back on my workout intensity too and remind myself I don't always have to go all out. that even some effort is worth it and might mean I can continue for longer than a few days.

  2. I completely agree. It's so easy to push myself and be super competitive with even myself. But to what end? Injury? Giving up? It seems we are all learning a gentleness with ourselves.
