Saturday, March 1, 2014

Art as a spiritual path

"The Creative Source welcomes the engagement of everyone, not merely some privileged class of artists. It is mother & father, nurturer & supporter of all beings, & welcomes all of us to wake up to life's abundance. Our engagement with art leads us to engagement with our bodies, spirits, and with each other." -Pat B. Allen

Joy lent me this wonderful book call "Art as a Spiritual Path." In true Hope-fashion, I have been slowly working my way through the book and am enjoying the process.

The author talks about setting an intention with your art and how the images that you create are manifestations of your inner wisdom. The way you connect with this inner wisdom is by connecting with the "Creative Source." She also talks about letting a piece of art run its course. In other words, don't rush your art work but rather let it be a process. If that means the process is one hour, one day, or one year, let it be a process. In light of that, I came back to a poem I wrote one night when I was in Portland this past fall (on of the nights I couldn't sleep). It still really resonates with me and I realized that there is more there than just a poem. I've had this painting sitting in my living room for about a month now. It's half finished and I haven't been able to quite figure out what else to do with it. Now I think I know it has something to do with this poem I wrote. We shall see.

I would like to share my poem with you but first, a quick comment on the quote at the beginning. I find it very warm and welcoming to read, especially the part about art not being merely for some privileged class of artists. It opens up the possibility for art to be so much more than just a painting on a canvas. Art is more than the end product. It is about the process, the connecting with the "Creative Source" and finding you inner wisdom, being nurtured, supported, welcomed, and connected to yourself and to others.

I love you both and hope you enjoy my poem! It has no name so I'll just launch right in.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Never before has there been a more
ripe time for creation.

Never before has there been a
re-surgence of life.

Fly. Dance. Drive (Drive fast!)

Do lo que sea para hacerte sentir-
esa libertad del alma. De tu corazon
Aunque lo hagas 'mal' o lo hagas

The world cannot, should not tell you how
to contain yourself, how to create yourself.

Open those doors of your soul that have
been closed for so long.

Move-through-the-rain. With or
without the Umbrella.


  1. I'd say without an umbrella, unless you have make up on and are going somewhere fancy.

    I love reading your poetry and following how you are pushing the edges and expanding your life. Please keep sharing what you learning from your creative source.

  2. So lovely and inspiring. I find myself only allowing me to pick practical productive tasks on my days off. I think part of it is because i need to but I think another reason is I'm scared of being creative and failing. I forget the process, the inner wisdom, the joy of the

  3. The joy of creating. Thx for sharing. Your poem

  4. Your poem excites me and i feel my world expanding. (Sorry for the odd comments. My ipad freezes my comments and I cant add more)

    1. haha-your commenting was poetic :-) Thanks so much for your words :-)
