Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Getting Back in the groove

It has been quite awhile since I have last posted. I haven't had anything overly enlightening or inspiring to share so I guess that might be why I haven't written. But, I thought it would be fun to just share my latest routines and such!

I have been doing quite a bit of yoga lately. I LOVE Yoga Glo. It has been key to my recovery with its classes specific to runners and also just low key classes to help me to SOMETHING after work. It can be hard, when I come home after work exhausted, to want to do anything. Even if I do a very low key yoga class I feel accomplished.

I have also been doing weight lifting with Eugene! He has showed me some of the lifts he does; dead lift, squat, & bench press. I have to admit that, among everything that I do, this is probably my most challenging activity. I feel like I have to walk into a man-cave in the weights area and also feel just unfamiliar with the equipment. I have done a couple solo workouts but I have decided to try and go at least once a week and to go with Eugene (its about all we can do anyhow). That way I feel much more comfortable and can be with him while I get use to being in that space. I do hope to continue doing this kind of working out while in Oregon! I feel so strong- I went up to 115lbs for a squat on Sunday! :-)

Running!! I am running about three days a week. Last week I felt like I needed a little break- I ran a total of about 6 miles (my average weekly mileage is 7-8 miles). Joy's most recent post was a good reminder to KEEP listening to my body to avoid injury. I have a new funny feeling in my body and am trying to make sure I take care of it and don't over do it (its calve-calf? related). Yesterday I ran four miles!! I am really loving developing my new relationship with movement. I feel like its an old friend that I had been distant from in awhile and am now getting to know it again with a new perspective. For instance, I use to HATE doing much speed work. It actually made me anxious. But now I find myself wanting to just GO and I do a lot of it (I think that is thanks to the strengthening)- and I don't see it as work but rather as a moment to run free, to fly.

That is the jist of my active activity (with a little Jazz and other dance every now and again).

I really appreciate this blog and also just conversations with you both about exercise. I feel so lucky to have you both and Eugene in my life that love movement. I is continually encouraging.

Keep up the good work my lovelies!!!

PS: here is a fun and goofy picture of me pretending to do yoga at the forest preserve in Oregon :-)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Bum knee

Yesterday I laced up for a run. I'd been waiting to run all day. With Luke's brother Marc visiting, my run had been delayed until after lunch. Finally, I thought as I left the house, I'm getting out. I eased into a gentle pace and a twinge hit me in my left hip. I crossed the street to remove myself from seeing eyes and stretched. I used the stretches you taught me, Hope, in Mexico. After a moment I tried again. Same twinge of pain, same place, same pause for stretching. I felt silly as a couple passed me for the second time stretching during my halted run. After walking a couple blocks, I tried one last time. The tightness didn't ease up and I quickly slowed to a gentle walk.

The day was beautiful. Thankfully, I remembered your advice Hope about listening to your body. I thanked myself for getting out and enjoyed the leaves murmuring in the breeze as the sun tickled my neck. I hobbled slightly walking and realized the treasure of mobility I take so often for granted. I headed home.

Popping into the living room, I started up my strength training DVD by Petra. Tian tried joining me briefly but thankfully Luke took him out front so they could watch me from the porch. Tian turned around on the bench and watched his mommy pick up 5lb weights and lunge and squat and lunge and squat. Thankfully, my hip felt fine. I'm not sure why the difference. I managed a 65 minute work up without pain. My sweaty tired body thanked me afterwards. I felt strong and content.

I feel like I've learned so much from you, Hope, listening to your struggle with your hip. I hope none of us have troubles in the future but we probably will. Hopefully we can always find ways to be active.

When you can't run, pick up weights and squat! :)

Location:Portland, OR